Saturday, February 25, 2023

Space City, Texas

Houston suburb town, host the original Space Center with many historical archives, including Mission Control, and Apollo 13 lithium hydroxide canister. 

The historic Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center has been in this suburb of Houston since 1961. Originally the Space Center was named Manned Spacecraft Center when it was first established. It was later renamed named after Texas native President Lyndon B. Johnson. 

(Johnson Space Center, IMUS Geographics)
According to, the Johnson Space Center has aided in all Apollo programs, including the historic Apollo 11. The Space Center houses the original mission control room from all nine Gemini missions and all seventeen of the Apollo missions.

Erin Hill stated in an interview, “You can feel the history as soon as you enter the mission control room”. She also stated that “It was a surreal feeling being in the same room that they monitored the historic Apollo 11 mission and even the last ever Apollo 17 mission”.

 In addition to this she noted that “Being able to go inside the replica of the original NASA 905 shuttle carrier craft was an experience she will never forget.” Lastly, she said that her favorite exhibit of the Space Center was the Starship Gallery.” Hill indicated this was her favorite because “it had the original Apollo 13 lithium hydroxide canister.”

According to, there are ten different exhibits and experiences in the within the Johnson Space Center. These include, NASA tram tour, SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Exhibit, Starship Gallery, Spacesuit Collection, Independence Plaza, The Artemis Exhibit, Mission Mars, International Space Station Gallery, Films, and Live Presentations. Of all of these, states that the NASA tram tour is the most popular.

The NASA tram tour includes a tour of the Historic Mission Control, George W.S. Abbey Rocket Park, and Astronaut Training Facility. 

The historic Mission Control tour consists of seeing the exact place where every Apollo and Gemini mission was conducted. 

(Mission Control)
When touring the George W.S. Abbey Rocket Park, you get to see the Saturn V rocket, which was the tallest, heaviest, and most powerful rocket ever flown. 

While you tour the Astronaut Training Facility, you get the place where every astronaut that ever went to space trained.

The Johnson Space Center has had a great impact on the Houston community since its establishment in 1961. Many people come from all over of the country to tour this historic site daily. It truly exciting to see the growth and impact the Johnson Space Center has had on generations past, and generations to come.


“Exhibits and Experiences.” Space Center Houston, 27 Oct. 2022, Accessed 25 February 2023

“Johnson Space Center, Texas.” IMUS Geographics. Accessed 25 February 2023

“JSC History.” NASA, NASA, Accessed 25 February 2023

“Mission Control.” Space Center Houston. . Accessed 25 February 2023

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

From the bullpen to the ocean

 John Jaso let go of Major League Baseball calls to answer the sea. Did he leave behind millions of dollars for the ocean?


The New York Times states that John Jaso knew he would retire after his 2017 season. Throughout the entirety of his last season, he spent all of his free time sailboat shopping. In addition, Times says that He would always wander around on marinas and imagine himself on the open water.


After becoming a free agent at the end of his 2017 season, Jaso told press “I have a sailboat, so I just want to sail away. Next stop Caribbean.” When he was asked about his thoughts once spring training of 2018 began, He said “Sometimes I’ll just be out on the boat bobbing in the water, not sailing or even fishing. “There’s nowhere else on the planet I’d rather be than right here. “It’s been the perfect fit for who I am.”


John Jaso seems to have no regrets going for behind home plate straight to the middle of the ocean. This may inspire fresh MLB retirees to join him on his new quest.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Spring Break in Mexico??

Drug cartel violence in Mexico is skyrocketing daily, making normal “safe” tourist areas a hazard. This has caused multiple states to put out “no travel” warnings. There are currently six large Mexican cities already being named United State Department no travel areas. Fox 5 San Diego says that these warnings are rare, but not unheard of. The difference this time is the violence is near popular tourist areas. A long-time travel agent stated that “they are targeting tourist regions because they are wealthy areas. These warnings are bringing concerns as people are planning for spring break. The United States Department says that if you do decide to travel to Mexico to stay on main roads and stay alert of your surroundings.

Greece the Beautiful

Light blue crystal waters cover the country coast to coast. According to foreign policy news, this country is famous for the luxurious beaches that cover over 16000 kilometers of coastline and over 100 incredible archaeological sites. In addition the country has been inhabited since prehistoric eras and you can find traces of human civilization dating all the way back to over 5000 years ago. Foreign Policy also states that many people believe that the only wonders of Greece are the beautiful islands and beaches. It says that although they are beautiful, Greece has additional hidden features within the mainland. One of these hidden features is the Meteora region. According to culture trip, Meteora features a collection of gigantic rocks home to a series of medieval monasteries, some of which are still in operation. Culture Trip also stated that this region boasts spectacular sights, incredible nature, and a mystic atmosphere. David Konstan in his article “Beauty and desire between Greece and Rome that art within the country is just as beautiful as the natural attractions of the country. Greece has a large amount of works of art displayed in Athens, which attracts many tourists. Konstan states that many ancient artists saw the beauty in the nature of the country and turned that into art and music. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Harry's House

Harry's House

Harry Style's album "Harry's House" is one I cannot go a week without listening to. There is a song on the album for every mood and every occasion. Similarly, every song on this album, I can relate to in some way. Throughout this album Harry is writing about experiences in his own life dealing with family and relationships. The album begins with a few fun enthusiastic upbeat songs setting a joyful tone for its listeners. However, there is an abrupt switch in mood and tone when you reach track five and six. Track six (Matilda) in particular is one that often stands out to me the most and is my most listened to song on the album because I relate to lyrics heavily. The ending of the album circulates back to a more lighthearted tone. His music never fails to touch my heart. Every time I listen this album, I find a new appreciation for his lyricism and artistic ability. When given the opportunity to sit and listen to this album, I am reminded that it is okay to feel the hurt, which comes from family and relationships. 

I was able to listen Harry Style's vinyl album on my record player before bed on Tuesday night.
Thankful to have Spotify Premium to listen to Track six (Matilda) as often as I like. 
This Sunday Harry Styles won album of the year for his "Harry's House" album. I played this vinyl on repeat in order to support him for his great accomplishment. 

Whangamamona Republic Day
One of the top places on my bucket list is to visit New Zealand. New Zealand has always been appealing to me because of the different weird and unusual cultural things the country celebrates. Every two years the country holds a day called Whangamamona Republic Day. This day dates back all the way to 1989. Years prior to 1989, the country was redirecting their boundary lines. During this shifting of boundary lines, the city of Whangamamona found themselves being transferred from the Taranaki region to the Manawatu-Wanganui Region. The inhabitants of this area ultimately refused to change regions, resulting in the creation of Whangamamona Republic. Although the appeal to secede never went through, the celebration of the revolt lived on. Whenever Whangamamona Republic Day rolls around tourist from not only all of the country, but from all over the world come to see this historic town. The atmosphere of the Whangamamona area is that of what you would think wild west America would look like. The day consist of live bands and dancers, even some appearances from famous people. In addition to this, they host competitions including sheep shearing, possum skinning, and even guess how many eels are in a bathtub. The country of New Zealand has so many interesting peculiarities and fun traditions I too would love to experience. Next time I find myself in New Zealand, I will definitely be checking out Whangamamona Republic Day.

No more Covid?

Japan plans to lift Covid-19 restrictions related to travel.   Since Covid began in early 2020 many restrictions were put in place withi...